Thank you for being willing to donate!
There are two options from which you can choose. If you live in Germany or the EU, you can relatively easily make a bank tranfer to my sending organisation (details below). From anywhere else, it is easiest to use my my Paypal account. If you experience any difficulties or need any additional information for the tranfer, please contact me.
Bank transfer
Transfer your donation to the following account (note the reference!):
Account holder: ASC Göttingen von 1846 e.V.
IBAN: DE10 2605 0001 0000 1110 62
Sparkasse Göttingen
Reference: ww-Spende: Wagner, Zoe, (*donor address: Street, house number, postcode, city)
* if you want to receive a donation certificate please include your address.
Please send your donation to: via Friends and Family to avoid fees for either party or scan the QR-Code below.